Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 9: The bad Batch is an American series spin-off from Star Wars: The Clone...
Loki Episode 3: Loki is an American TV series based on Marvel Comics and created by Michael Waldron. The series...
Joker (2019) grossed over a billion dollars at the box office. It broke the box office record for an original...
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 6: The Series is currently streaming on Disney+ with a 8.6 IMDB rating and...
The company’s producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson recently made a bold claim about their beloved creation. They’ve made...
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 5: The Bad Batch is an animated TV series which is created by Dave...
Lucasfilm has announced Filoni will assume the role of executive creative director, where he will oversee all aspects of the...
Early next year, the new animated series The Batman will finally premiere on HBO Max. The show focuses on Bruce...
American actress Mischa Barton says that the reason behind leaving "The OC" was because of bullying and under-appreciation by the...
Jacqueline Kennedy, the former First Lady, was one of his inspiring muses, and her pillbox hat, worn at the inauguration...