Johann Steynberg, MTI founder Arrested in Brazil, Charges Explained
2 min readJohann Steynberg
The Hawks have informed South Africa’s finance authority about Johann Steynberg’s arrest there in South American country, Brazil. The stories surrounding Mirror Trading International (MTI) CEO Johann Steynberg’s location have now been in completion. As per Brazilian security forces, he has been caught last week. In the center Brazilian state of Goiás for providing fake documentation.
“At first, we keep trying to figure out who he was. We certainly posted details with the Federal Police and approached at the appropriate time. In the attempt, he showed a fake identity. We sent him to the State Police Supervision in Goiás. Because we already understood who he really was,” the captain added.
Interpol, as well as the FBI, would both be looking for Johann Steynberg, according to Andrade.
Johann Steynberg MTI Fraud
In December 2020, MTI was in preliminary bankruptcy. And then in July 2021, it was incomplete dissolution. A large number of individuals around the globe were victims of this MTI scam. This MTI scam guaranteed monthly payouts of up to 10%.
To join the program, individuals had to submit bitcoin (BTC). Ignoring warnings from the FSCA, the scam expanded into the greatest crypto fraud of 2020, according to reports. Thanks to relentless advertising and 10% rewards on any new customer reference. Moreover, MTI was perhaps the largest investment fraud of 2020. Steynberg was apprehended in the Alto da Glória area. And transferred to the National Police Guidance and supervision in Goiânia, central Brazil, according to the Brazilian website.
Johann Steynberg Found
The Financial Sector Conduct Authority’s (FSCA) chief of operations, Brandon Topham. Said the Hawks in South Africa informed his department of Steynberg’s detention in the South American country. Johann Steynberg was found two false Identities, two laptops, a mobile phone. Including six bank cards, as per Brazilian press sources.
Moreover, according to a press statement by that the Goiás security police. “The criminal was delivered to the PF Guidance and supervision to serve the international arrest order. And the punishment for the offense of using such a fake identity”. “We confiscated credit cards, journals, and fake ids.”
Firstly, the squad was alert that a resident had been using fake papers, according to Goiânia leader Johnathan Andrade. Therefore they kept an eye on the man for a couple of days. However, did not pursue him throughout that time.
The commander further says and quotes it as a piece of evidence. “Soon they were in the realization that he’s the culprit in a billionaire money scam in South Africa.”