Where Was “Christmas In Tahoe” Filmed? Filming Locations and Songs Explored
2 min readInstagram: lauraosnes
Christmas in Tahoe premieres on 28th November at 6 p.m. Eastern. We’ve gathered some information about the locations, cast, and songs of this show. Stay up on the page to get the latest feeds.
Where was ‘Christmas in Tahoe’ filmed?
‘Christmas in Tahoe’ was actually filmed in Canada, Vancouver despite the show’s name ‘Christmas in Tahoe’.
Pat Monahan has mentioned in an interview on Audacity’s 96.5 TIC, that no one from the cast has actually visited the set where it was being filmed.
He said, “It is likely to be laborious (to go to) as a result of we’re gonna shoot it in Vancouver, and Canada’s being fairly robust proper now”.
Instagram: lauraosnes Instagram: lauraosnes Instagram: lauraosnes
Two songs carried out within the film
‘Shake up Christmas’ and ‘Mittens’ are the two songs performed by Monahan. He mentioned that the Train’s 2015 vacation album, “Christmas in Tahoe” was changed into this new film.
Monahan mentioned this statement in the press that, Ever since having made our Christmas album, Christmas in Tahoe, it’s been a dream of mine to bring it to life on the screen. Hallmark has now made that dream a reality. I loved being able to not only act but also perform ‘Shake Up Christmas’ and our new original song, ‘Mittens’ in the movie. I know that everyone is going to feel the love and warmth of the holiday season when they see this heartfelt film.”
Meet the Casts of ‘Christmas in Tahoe’
Laura Osnes will be starring as Claire, Pat Monahan as Jackson, Kyle Selig as Ryan, George Lopez as Otis as the focus in the show. While audience will be witnessing actors like Alex Gullason (Ricki Page), Rebecca Staab (Dorothy Rhodes),Tom Butler (Tim Rhodes), Lynda Boyd (Joyce Davison), Neil Webb (Alistair), Brandon Olds (Chaos), Benjamin Wilkinson (Andre), Paul McGillion (Archie Davison), Danielle Butlin (Beth), Zoë Noelle Baker (GaGabby), Georgie Daburas (Cameron), Richard Ian Cox (Bert The Bagpiper), Siera Staples (Marissa), Caleb Di Pomponio (Geoff), Kuba Oms (Dean), Christine Lippa (Ms. Barbara Jennings), Cassandra Consiglio (Acapella Singer), Andy Nez (Radio DJ), Claire Traille (Hotel Worker), Sean Millington (Security Guard), Jaleese Green (Santa Hat Woman).