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YouTubers Ernest Kanevsky and Yuguo Bai Sued By USC For Posing as Russian Mafia In-Class Prank Videos

2 min read
Ernest Kanevsky

While there are lots of prank videos online going viral, there are two YouTubers Ernest Kanevsky and Yuguo Bai who are facing sue by USC for doing the Russian mafia prank. Well, it seems like the prankster YouTubers have fallen in trouble causing problems for USC. Which finally has left them sued by the authority. But what did the YouTubers do with USC?

Read ahead to know more about YouTubers facing sue by USC for a Russian mafia prank.

Ernest Kanevsky and Yuguo Bai pranked USC posing as the Russian mafia

As per the reports published in The Guardian. The University Of Southern California is facing trouble and terror feeling to two YouTubers. The two YouTubers whose names are Ernest Kanevsky and Yuguo Bai. They have been alleged to have done pranks pretending to be the Russian Mafia.


USC Annenberg Media has reported the incident. Stating that the prank was done by the YouTubers. It has been filmed by them and posted online too. While Ernest Kanevsky posed for the prank as a member of the Russian mafia. Yuguo Bai became Hugo Boss, the man who was behind the uniform Nazis.

YouTubers prank terrorized the students of USC

As per the reports published on the trusted websites. It was in reports by the authority of the USC that the prank done by the YouTubers terrorized the student. While Ernest Kanevsky and Yuguo Bai with filming the prank disrupted the classrooms at USC, Los Angeles. Students of the University took the prank as scary for them.


The university authority gave a report stating that the students ran away from the classrooms after the prank by the YouTubers. Also, reports have cited that the attendance of the university post the prank by YouTubers has dropped really low. Students are certainly not willing to attend the classes after the prank.

Ernest Kanevsky
Image: dailymail

USC has sued the YouTubers for a Russian mafia prank

While the University Of Southern California has slammed the act of YouTubers. They pretended to be the Russian mafia for getting likes on the prank videos. USC has sued the YouTubers. Also, a restraining order is in as punishment for them. Additionally, the YouTubers are also to pay for the damages caused to USC.

Though the YouTubers were not a student of the university. Yet they are now facing a ban from entering the University. Also, the temporary restraining order on them will not let the YouTubers post anything in connection to the USC incident.


I'm a passionate writer who believes in the magic of words. I'm a former magazine writer and I love reading books that makes people grow to a better person. Every word holds an energy and I use them to create a positive beautiful life. #StayPositive #StayBlessed

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