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What Is The Cost, Composition, Availability Of KFC’s Beyond Meat Fried Chicken?

2 min read
Fried Chicken

Finally! After testing Beyond Fried Chicken back in 2019, The food giant, KFC will launch plant-based fried chicken in the US. The edible got tested in August 2019 and KFC will provide it from January 10 this year. The Beyond Meat version will be available for a limited duration only. It will be in the 4,000+ outlets in The US.

According to sources, Kevin Hochman the US president of KFC said that on the basis of selling speed they will decide further. The customer reactions will also be considered to determine plans. But our intent is not to be one and done. The Beyond Meat also collaborated with Yum! Brands in 2021 in February. As per this, the substitute plant-based meat stuff will be available at KFC, Pizza Hut

and Taco Bell.

Fried Chicken

What Is the Cost of KFC’s Beyond Meat Fried Chicken?

The Beyond Fried Chicken by KFC will be available at the outlets in 6 and 12 piece boxes. The fast-food chain also declared that the 6 piece orders will cost $6.99 excluding taxes.

But the prices may differ according to the location. There will be an option available of combos in which one can order the vegan item with medium-sized fries and any drink. Beyond Fried, the Chicken version will also be available as large-sized chicken nuggets.

Composition of KFC Beyond Meat Fried Chicken

The list of ingredients of KFC’s version of Beyond Meat’s Fried Chicken is official. But the chicken tenders claim to use 100% plant-based proteins. Meat consists of pea protein which may cause allergies to some. It also has wheat gluten and the firm uses protein, fat, minerals, carbohydrates and water as the base ingredients.


The statement by the firm says that they source these building blocks from plants. By heating, cooling, and pressure they create fibre of meat from plant-based protein and then mix it with basics. They also add natural flavours, vegetable-based colours, fruit to create a replica of the juiciness and flavour of the meat.


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