TikTok: Apocalypse warning on September 24 Meaning Explained
2 min readby pierremassine
September 24 is trending on TikTok as an Apocalypse is connected to the date. Well, there have been several prophecy in the past saying that the planet is reaching its end. However, hardly anything claimed ever happened. Yet, once again we have an Apocalypse warning and that’s believed to be happening on September 24th. But is it really so?
Read ahead to know about September 24 trends on TikTok for an Apocalypse.
September 24 trends on TikTok
We have had numerous dates going viral on the internet claiming that they will bring the end of the planet. But certainly, that never happened the way it claimed. Yet, that never stops the internet from having such dates and such theories around them. As once again we have found a date trending for bringing an end.
Well, that’s none other than September 24. As we are having this date going viral on TikTok with a theory around it that claims a disaster approaching nearer. Though, only the day can prove if it’s true or not. As for now people are coming across the date and trying to know more about it.
What’s the theory around September 24?
The September 24 story on TikTok says that an Apocalypse is approaching on this date. However, it all began with a speech by German politician Friedrich Merz. Where he said that the date is going to make everyone remember it for a long.
@dailyrundownwithchris September 24th 2022 #september #september24 #september2022 #endtimes #god #solarflare #news ♬ She Knows – J. Cole
Yet, it wasn’t clear from his speech what he was referring to. Following this, we had another theory saying that some solar flare might cause tropical cyclones to be really powerful. Which can even cause deaths and more disasters. Hence, the date 24 September is something to watch out for.
Is the theory of September 24 on TikTok real?
Well, no doubt TikTok is trending the date of September 24 a lot on the app. As it’s claiming to bring an Apocalypse. Yet, before the exact date, we can’t say anything about the authenticity of the theory revolving around this date.
@cwcline #stitch with @cwcline @itoldyousol #greenscreen #september24 #globalwarming #climatechange #pakistan #flood #deluge #ekpyrosis #nasa #flatearth #solar #storm #warning #china #energy ♬ original sound – Calvin W Cline
Moreover, there has been so many prophecy going in vain in the past. Thus, we can’t be so sure about this as well. So, wait till the day and see if that really goes as said or if it fails like any other prophecy of the past.