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Pokimane: Twitch Star Launches Myna Snacks, Introducing a Delicious Lineup of Healthy Cookies for Fans

3 min read
Pokimane Myna



Great news for Pokimane fans! The streamer has officially launched her snack company, “Myna Snacks,” featuring its inaugural product: cookies. Some days ago, Pokimane dropped hints about her upcoming product launch. That has finally arrived for all and fans can buy them too. But where exactly to buy them?

Read on to learn more about Pokimane launching her snacks company “Myna Snacks,” featuring its inaugural product—cookies.

Pokimane launches her snacks brand “Myna Snacks”

Pokimane has found success as a streamer, boasting a significant following on social media. Her increasing popularity is hard to ignore. But she has more in store for her fans. Recently, she dropped hints about launching her own product, aiming to surprise her dedicated followers.

This week, she has unveiled her new brand and the product that is now available for purchase. Fans have undoubtedly been eagerly anticipating Pokimane’s announcement, and she has delivered with the launch of her own snacks brand.

Pokimane launches her own snacks company “Myna Snacks”

Excited fans of streamer Pokimane have been greeted with Myna Snacks this week. Which is the new snack brand by Pokimane. On 13th November, the website of Pokimane that wanted fans to sign up for early access redirected them to her brand’s website.

On the website, Pokimane quoted about her brand Myna “Most snacks were filled with things i couldn’t feel good about. So we created Myna”. There one could even see a pic of Pokimane holding her brand’s new product’s packets. As her brand launched some Midnight Mini Cookies.


Where to buy Pokimane’s Midnight Mini Cookies?

Pokimane’s new brand, Myna Snacks, has introduced its inaugural product—Midnight Mini Cookies. The streamer is featured holding packets of these cookies on the company’s website. What makes these cookies special is the combination of chocolate, sea salt, and velvety white chips.

If you wish to buy the cookies, they are available in packs of 4, 8, and 12 in each box, costing around $28, $56, and $84, respectively. If you sign up for the Myna Snacks club, you can get a 10% discount on your purchase. Additionally, fan club members will have the opportunity for early access to future products by Myna Snacks.


I'm a passionate writer who believes in the magic of words. I'm a former magazine writer and I love reading books that makes people grow to a better person. Every word holds an energy and I use them to create a positive beautiful life. #StayPositive #StayBlessed

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