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Fans criticize Mr. Nazaire after new suitor ruffled some feathers on The Courtship

3 min read

USA Network’s drama The Courtship shows a new suitor Mr. Nazaire and here’s what fans had to say about it. While the drama shows a lady going in a search of a perfect partner. The Regency romance is just everyone’s favorite. But there’s something with the new episode that fans are not liking about it.

Read ahead to know more about The Courtship and Mr. Nazaire.

The Courtship premiered on 6th March this year

What connects more to the viewers of the drama The Courtship is that it is not a usual dating reality show. As such the Regency romance adds another twist and newness to it. While the latest episodes began arriving on March 6th this year.

Moreover, viewers are keenly looking for new episodes every week. As one of the episodes dropped on Wednesday this week. Hence the episode titled “Battle Of The Brits” showed the Remy couple hosting a dinner for Ms Remy and the suitors.

Mr. Nazaire as a suitor in The Courtship

While the drama shows several suitors trying to bond with Nicole Remy. The series is showing suitors trying hard to build up their strong bond with Ms Remy. But guess what the new suitor Mr. Miles Nazaire has. While Nazaire entered the hall with hard-to-miss style. He made a good impression on Ms Remy.

However, other suitors present at the dinner party certainly seemed nervous as to think what’s about to happen. Yet with more episodes to reveal who wins the heart of Ms Remy. We definitely has fans of The Courtship commenting on the new suitor Mr. Miles Nazaire.

Fans’ reaction to Mr Miles Nazaire’s entry

With suitors trying to impress Ms Remy. We believe the new suitor Mr. Miles Nazaire didn’t win the hearts of several of the show’s fans. After the Wednesday episode of The Courtship aired on USA Network. The social media showed their distaste for Mr. Nazaire. One of the fans of the show even called Mr. Nazaire to tone down his arrogance.

While many desired that Mr. Nazaire goes back home. Though, many even found Mr. Miles to be charming. Yet, with the other episodes of The Courtship. It would be interesting to see whom Nicole Remy chooses to be her partner and love of life. Till then you can wait to have the next two episodes arriving on May 4th and 11th.


I'm a passionate writer who believes in the magic of words. I'm a former magazine writer and I love reading books that makes people grow to a better person. Every word holds an energy and I use them to create a positive beautiful life. #StayPositive #StayBlessed

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