Fact Check: is J. Cole Dead in 2023? Hoax Explained
2 min readBurak Cingi/Redferns
Fans of rapper J. Cole were worried after coming across a post on the internet claiming the rapper has died. But there have also been similar claims about other celebs that shocked their fans in the past. However, none of them turned out to be true. Yet, if you are actually thinking that J.Cole is dead. Then here’s what we know all about it.
Read ahead to know more about rumours about rapper J. Cole’s death concerning his fans.
Rumours about rapper J. Cole’s death go viral on the internet
Recently, one of the post on the internet went viral claiming that the rapper J. Cole has died. The rumour began going viral only after a post claiming the same on the website Breaking News 247. After coming across the post fans of the rapper were left worried and concerned.
Not to miss, the website came with a post about the rapper J. Cole having the headline “J.Cole found dead”. But it isn’t the first time that such rumours about a known figure had gone viral claiming their demise. Yet, fans were keen to know about J.Cole and his well-being and if he was really dead.
Is rapper J. Cole dead in 2023?
Well, though the rumour about J.Cole’s demise came after the viral post of Breaking News 247. Fans wanted to know if it was really true about the rapper. Fortunately, the rumour about J.Cole and his demise wasn’t true. The website itself stated its content saying “This is a satirical website. Don’t take it seriously. It’s joke”.
In fact, the satirical website actually allows users to create fake posts on its website and J.Cole’s post was one of them. J. Cole is fine and alive in 2023. Moreover, in the past we had such demise rumours about celebs like Tom Holland, Oprah Winfrey, Snoop Dogg and others going viral on the internet. However, none of them was true about them.
How to deal with fake news on the internet?
With the internet having so much news posted online. Some of them are even fake and misleading. Death hoaxes are among them that are going viral these days. Yet, we must be careful while reading such news and forwarding them to others.
If you ever come across some fake or misleading information on the internet. Then you can report the same immediately to stop it from spreading further. As not reporting the same can actually affect many and create a situation of chaos at times.