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DEBUNKED: Did Jack Black Lose $15 Million in Concert Tours Over Trump Controversy?

3 min read
Jack Black

Don Arnold/WireImage


Recently, actor and musician Jack Black has been the subject of rumors alleging that he lost nearly $15 million in concert tours due to comments made by his Tenacious D bandmate, Kyle Gass, about former President Donald Trump. These claims, however, are entirely unfounded and originate from a known satire website,

The Rumor and Its Origins

The controversy began after Gass made a controversial remark during a Tenacious D concert in Sydney on July 21, 2024. Celebrating his birthday on stage, Gass responded to a well-wisher with a joke about an alleged assassination attempt on Trump, saying, “Don’t miss Trump next time.” This comment sparked outrage among some audience members and Trump supporters, leading to widespread discussion online., a website notorious for spreading sensational and fictitious news about celebrities, quickly published a satirical article claiming that Jack Black had to cancel the Tenacious D tour and lost $15 million as a direct result of the backlash. The site has previously fabricated stories about other high-profile figures, such as LeBron James and Robert De Niro.


The Viral Spread and Public Reaction

Despite its satirical nature, the Esspots article went viral, being shared widely on social media platforms like Facebook. Many readers, unfamiliar with Esspots’ reputation for satire, took the claims at face value. The article suggested that the anti-Trump comments led to a drastic reduction in ticket sales, which supposedly resulted in the $15 million loss.

Debunking the Claim

However, the reality is quite different. There is no evidence to support the claim that Jack Black or Tenacious D lost $15 million due to the incident. Black himself addressed the backlash in a statement on Instagram, clarifying his position and announcing the tour’s cancellation:

“I was blindsided by what was said at the show on Sunday. I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form. After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold.”

This decision was made out of a sense of responsibility and a desire to distance himself from the inflammatory remarks made by Gass. Black emphasized his commitment to non-violence and condemned the type of rhetoric used by his bandmate.


Kyle Gass’s Apology and Fallout

Kyle Gass also issued a public apology for his “inappropriate, dangerous, and terrible” comment, acknowledging his “lack of judgment.” Despite this apology, his agency, Greene Talent, decided to drop him as a client, highlighting the professional repercussions of his statement.

In conclusion, the viral claim that Jack Black lost nearly $15 million in concert tours due to a Trump-related controversy is entirely false. The rumor was started by a satire site and has no basis in reality. While the incident did lead to the cancellation of the Tenacious D tour, it was a decision made by Black in response to the backlash and not due to financial losses. As always, it is important to verify the sources of sensational news stories to avoid the spread of misinformation.


Hi, I'm Shivam Kumar. I'm pursuing Journalism honors from the IP University. I love the skill of writing and looking forward to learn more of it. Also I love traveling and experiencing new things every day....

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