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Ceaser Emanuel Claims He Didn’t Abuse Dogs, someone set him up

2 min read
Ceaser Emanuel

Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images


In a video, Ceaser Emanuel repeatedly strikes the dog with a folding chair. The dog is also shown being pushed down a hill while being caged and locked in the footage.

VH1 has severed connections with Emanuel due to the recently discovered footage.

The media company said in a statement: “We have made the decision to cut ties with Ceaser Emanuel from Black Ink Crew New York. Since next season was close to finishing production, this decision will not impact the upcoming season.”

Meanwhile, Walter Mosley, Emanuel’s attorney, acknowledged that it was his client in the video. He asserted that his client was trying to prevent certain vicious dogs from hurting other animals, nevertheless.

Cesser is a dog lover

According to Mosley, Cesser “is a passionate dog lover and has several dogs and has had many dogs and other pets in his lifetime.” As I understand it, there were several other violent dogs attacking smaller dogs in this tragic situation, and it is likely that there was a lack of judgement on how to break up the contact appropriately.


“In some ways, what was not seen in that video was him protecting the smaller dogs, he just probably didn’t do this in the best way, so he’s seeking assistance and help to make sure that as a dog owner, he’s properly managing it, and understands how to interact in more healthy ways with all types of dogs and all of his dogs, but this is definitely a situation that he had addressed a long time ago,” the man continued.


What is the show, Black Ink Crew New York about?

The show focuses on the activities of Emanuel’s tattoo parlour, Black Ink Tattoo, which is located in Manhattan’s Harlem neighbourhood. Additionally, he owns studios in Houston, Atlanta, Brooklyn, and Orlando.

The tenth season of the programme is presently in production. Since the show’s debut in 2013, Emanuel has been a part of it.

“We have decided to terminate relations with Ceaser Emanuel from Black Ink Crew New York,” a VH1 spokeswoman said. This choice won’t affect the future season because it was almost finished being produced.


Ankita Khanrah is a second-year student of the Master of Communication and Journalism (Integrated) programme at the School of Mass Communication, KIIT Deemed University, Bhubaneswar.

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