996 Work Culture Meaning: TikTok Viral Video Explained
2 min read
After the pandemic when working hours for professionals got a new timeline, the 996 work culture has again come into the limelight on TikTok. Though many are aware of the term. As this term of 996 work culture existed for a long. Here’s what you must know about it and what that actually stands for if you’ve not known about it yet.
Read ahead to know more about 996 work culture, its meaning, and others.
What’s the meaning of 996 work culture?
While you must be aware of the work culture of working 9 am to 5 pm. This new work culture 996 is way different from than 9 to 5 work regime. So, basically, the term 99 in “996” stands for working from 9 am to 9 pm. But what about the 6 in that culture?
Well, that 6 stands for 6 days a week. Unlike the 9 to 5 regime where one has to just work for 5 days a week. 996 requires the employees to work a day extra with 12 hours of work a day. So, basically in this new work culture that exists in the tech industry. The employees work for 72 hours a week.
TikToker talks about the 996 work culture
Although, this new work culture of 996 comes up with several theories. This work culture actually ensures more working hours to get work done at the workplace. However, a TikTok user named Lily has spoken about it too.
While Lily said that the new tech industry work culture makes an employee work for 12 hours a day. Employees are found to be productive only for 6-7 hours a day. So, she thinks this new culture actually isn’t that good for the employees. Meanwhile, the long hours take away the productivity because of tiredness and breaks by the employees.
Extra work and their compensation
While this 996 work culture isn’t applicable everywhere. Some countries and some industries do follow it. However, the conventional work schedule still goes with the 9 to 5 routine for 5 days a week. Though this culture asks its employees to work for extra hours sometimes.
Additionally, the employees who go for extra hours of work get compensation for that in terms of bonuses and all. Further, during the pandemic, this pattern did change a bit because of the work from home culture.