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The Controversies Surrounding ImAllexx: Past Dramas and Ongoing Allegations Explored

4 min read

Image via IG@imallexx


Popular UK-based YouTuber Alex “ImAllexx” has recently found himself embroiled in severe controversy, facing accusations of abusive behavior towards his past girlfriends, including allegations of physical assault. This is not the first time ImAllexx has been at the center of such drama.

One of the initial controversies involving ImAllexx took place in June 2019. Michael “Slazo,” another YouTuber, was accused by his ex-girlfriend Chey of being “emotionally and sexually abusive.” Alex, along with other creators like Kingani and Weest, publicly supported Chey. The situation intensified when Slazo presented evidence disproving Chey’s allegations, but Alex continued to side with Chey, which led to significant backlash from the online community. DramaAlert host Keemstar even accused Alex of orchestrating false rape allegations against Slazo.

Current Allegations Against ImAllexx

The ongoing allegations against ImAllexx have taken the internet by storm. The controversy began with accusations from his ex-girlfriend, Alice Hez, whom Alex dated from March 2023 to sometime in 2024. A video surfaced online showing Alex shouting and making disturbing and threatening remarks to Alice. In the video, Alex can be heard saying:

“I’m going to fking bash your fking head against the wall with a brick if you don’t shut the fk up. Because this one, genuinely, this one – this one, you’ve fked this! Royally f**ked this!”

Following the viral spread of this clip, commentary YouTuber Kavos shared alleged leaked text messages between Alex and Alice. Alice Hez (@Malice_Hez) then came forward with her side of the story, detailing her relationship with Alex in an extensive document. Among her many allegations, one was that Alex had urged her to self-harm:


“He’s gone as far (as) to tell me to self-harm at this point after I told him about my history prior. This would be accompanied with multiple horrible messages calling me a wre, a bch, and slimey.”

She further alleged that ImAllexx used derogatory language, including the ‘N-word’:

“He told me to ‘shut up’ and ‘kill yourself’ after I told him it was a dream of mine to expand into other platforms. He has called me the ‘N-word’ after I’ve said sorry about this situation.”

On October 19, the rift between Alex and Alice turned physical. Alice claimed that he aggressively grabbed her:

“It started as a screaming argument where I begged him to leave me alone and to just stop. I ended up trying to get away from him and he followed me. I went to walk downstairs and he grabbed my hood and pulled me back until I fell on the floor.”

She added:

“He told me that I’m not getting away so I got up and made a run for the bathroom. He gets in my way and grabs me, puts me in a headlock, and covers my mouth because I’m screaming for him to get off of me.”

New Allegations by YouTuber Kingani

On June 17, another set of allegations emerged from another ex-girlfriend, Ali “Kingani,” who dated Alex between June 2017 and March 2018. Kingani posted a document describing her relationship with ImAllexx as “toxic” and the “worst” relationship she had ever experienced. She wrote:

“During the relationship, he made me feel insane, like I wasn’t myself anymore. It never felt like he listened to me. I always felt belittled and inferior. Whenever we recorded videos together, he would constantly talk over me and never let me have my moment.”

She also claimed that he would threaten to kill himself during arguments:

“If we ever had a disagreement, he would sometimes elude to the possibility of killing himself over minor conflicts as a threat, so I couldn’t continue with the conversation.”

Kingani also alleged that during a recording session, Alex expressed his frustrations by grabbing her arm:

“We were trying to record a YouTube video together, and he was getting frustrated at having to restart the recording multiple times. He started shouting and beating his fist on the table, even going as far as to break his microphone. I was scared, so I got up to leave the room, which was when he grabbed my arm to physically stop me.”

These ongoing allegations have significantly impacted ImAllexx’s reputation, with the online community divided on the veracity of the claims. The situation continues to evolve as more information and reactions emerge.


Hi, I'm Shivam Kumar. I'm pursuing Journalism honors from the IP University. I love the skill of writing and looking forward to learn more of it. Also I love traveling and experiencing new things every day....

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