Taylor Lorenz receives backlash after ‘doxxing’ Liberals of TikTok social media account
3 min read
Washington Post’s columnist Taylor Lorenz is facing trolls on social media after she revealed the identity of the face behind the popular social media account “Libs of TikTok”. Well, the popular social media account “Libs of TikTok” has been posting news on the liberal administration. Taylor’s work has gone the wrong way.
Read ahead to know more about Taylor Lorenz and the identity behind “Libs of TikTok”.
#iamlibsoftiktok pic.twitter.com/hXt1RSDWqn
— TheQuartering (@TheQuartering) April 19, 2022
Who is Taylor Lorenz and Libs Of TikTok?
While you are looking to know about Taylor Lorenz. She is the Washing ton Post’s reporter and columnist. Also, she has worked previously for the New York Times as well as a journalist. Recently, however, she grabbed attention after exposing the identity of the famous Libs of TikTok.
If you are still not aware of Libs of TikTok then it’s a social media account that exposes the liberal side. While the identity behind this account wasn’t known yet. Taylor has gone to find out who’s behind this account that claims of giving extraordinary news on the account.
Taylor Lorenz found the identity behind Libs of TikTok
While Lorenz has found out that Libs of TikTok is owned and run by a woman named Chaya Raichik. Lorenz in order to find about the woman went to the relative’s house of Raichik to collect information about her.
While it came that Raichik is a right-wing social media user. Raichik is on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok as well. With about thousands and thousands of followers on her social media account. She is not on TikTok anymore. Via Libs of TikTok, she has given some controversial political statements. Opposing the liberal views as well.
49 Year Old Woman Taylor Lorenz Appearing At The Family Home Of Libs Of Tik Tok…Posting Her L' pic.twitter.com/4wxUrrf2M3
— TheQuartering (@TheQuartering) April 19, 2022
Taylor Lorenz trolled for “doxxing” Libs of TikTok
As of now, everyone knows who’s behind Libs of TikTok. The attempt of finding out about Libs of TikTok certainly proved wrong for Taylor Lorenz. As she was facing trolls for disclosing the identity of the social media user. Lorenz herself talked about the troll she faced.
On arriving at MSNBC, she revealed last month. That she had to face trolls online because of the attempt to find out about Libs of TikTok. As it made her feel harassed. However, netizens thought that it was alright for her to get trolled for doxxing the identity of the famous liberal opposing social media account.
Taylor Lorenz & WaPo editors found it appropriate to publish @libsoftiktok’s address. Any Republicans that talk to WaPo reporters for their stories (@PhilipRucker, @AshleyRParker, @jdawsey1 — any of them) should be dragged mercilessly. Treat them like the enemies they are.
— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) April 19, 2022
In an earlier era @TaylorLorenz would be the village busybody, sneaking on people, ratting them out, and deriving twisted pleasure in their public discomfort. A petty, nasty individual!
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) April 19, 2022
Taylor Lorenz is a terrible journalist and worse human. Targeting a Twitter account that literally just posts Leftists owning themselves because that account damages the Left is pure Lorenz.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) April 19, 2022
Fact check pic.twitter.com/UkgTSmQq5G
— Emma-Jo Morris (@EmmaJoNYC) April 1, 2022