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PewDiePie Condemns Influencers Like Johnny Somali for “Ruining” Japan with Disruptive Behavior

3 min read

YouTube star Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg has publicly criticized influencers like Johnny Somali, accusing them of “ruining” Japan with their disruptive behavior. Over the past few years, several content creators have faced backlash for recording themselves engaging in unruly activities in Japan, leading to widespread condemnation.

Unruly Behavior in Japan

One of the most notorious figures is Kick streamer Johnny Somali, who was recently arrested and deported from Japan for his actions. Somali’s disruptive antics included trespassing on construction sites and causing disturbances in public places. His behavior is part of a broader trend where influencers seek attention by flouting local norms and laws.

Another infamous incident involved Logan Paul, who faced severe criticism for filming in Aokigahara forest in 2017. Additionally, a YouTuber sparked outrage by attempting to travel across Japan without paying for transportation, evading law enforcement in the process. These incidents have drawn significant criticism from both the public and high-profile creators.


PewDiePie Speaks Out

PewDiePie, who has been living in Japan since 2022 with his wife Marzia and their child, has been vocal about his love for the country and its culture. In a recent video, he addressed the issue of disruptive influencers, emphasizing the negative impact they have on Japan’s reputation.

“It’s become an infestation,” Kjellberg remarked. “All these YouTubers are coming, trying to be as obnoxious as possible, get a bunch of attention, get a bunch of hate-clicks. It is really frustrating because for a lot of people, Japan is an escape from this bad behavior that’s done in public a lot of times. Japan is seen as more polite, and therefore, people want to protect that.”

Criticism of Johnny Somali

PewDiePie specifically called out Johnny Somali, labeling him “such a f*cking idiot” for his antics that resulted in his arrest and hefty fine earlier this year. “He got arrested, and now he got deported, and I don’t know if he’s banned for life or anything like that, but I think it will be really difficult for him to enter again, which is good,” Kjellberg stated.

Japan’s Response to Unruly Influencers

Japan has been proactive in addressing the issue of disruptive influencers. In one notable instance, the country’s police and self-defense force conducted an anti-terrorism exercise simulating an incident involving “troublemaking YouTubers” intruding onto an SDF camp. Footage from the exercise showed actors holding selfie sticks and pretending to spray officers with fake spray paint in mock ‘pranks,’ while law enforcement responded accordingly.


Additionally, Japan has implemented measures to curb antisocial behavior from tourists. This includes blocking a famous view of Mt. Fuji to prevent road obstructions caused by photo-seeking tourists and restricting access for foreigners on certain streets in Kyoto’s historic Gion district, renowned for its performing Geisha and Maiko.

Johnny Somali’s arrest was just one of several recent incidents highlighting the issue. Somali faced multiple controversial incidents in Japan, leading to a ¥200K fine (approximately $1,400 USD). After his deportation, he traveled to Israel, where he was also arrested.

PewDiePie’s criticism underscores the growing frustration with influencers who exploit cultural and legal boundaries for online fame. Japan’s efforts to counteract such behavior reflect a broader desire to preserve its cultural integrity and ensure that visitors respect local norms. As the issue continues to garner attention, it remains to be seen how influencers will respond and whether stricter regulations will be implemented to curb their disruptive actions.


Hi, I'm Shivam Kumar. I'm pursuing Journalism honors from the IP University. I love the skill of writing and looking forward to learn more of it. Also I love traveling and experiencing new things every day....

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