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MrBeast’s Leaked PDF Unveils Secrets to His YouTube Success

3 min read

Image via IG@mrbeast


A leaked internal PDF document from the famous YouTuber MrBeast has surfaced online, offering a behind-the-scenes look at how he manages his content teams and crafts his highly successful YouTube videos. The document, which was shared on social media on September 14 by a startup founder, quickly went viral as fans and content creators eagerly sought insights into MrBeast’s strategies.

The 37-page document contains a mix of well-known advice and more nuanced insights into YouTube analytics and content management. It emphasizes the crucial importance of the first minute of a video in capturing audience retention and outlines MrBeast’s methods for achieving viral success. Notably, this document is written informally, serving as more of a “braindump” from MrBeast rather than a strict set of rules for his team to follow.

In the PDF, MrBeast describes the qualities he seeks in his employees, referring to them as “A Players.” The document is divided into four main sections: “What Makes a YouTube Video Viral,” “Creating Content,” “Creative,” and “Your Career.” The first section delves into the key metrics that MrBeast prioritizes, such as Click Through Rate (CTR), Average View Duration, and Average View Percentage. He also discusses what distinguishes his content from others, stressing the importance of delivering unique experiences that resonate with viewers.


“Anytime we do something that no other creator can do, that separates us in their mind and makes our videos more special to them,” he explains. He also shares his approach to crafting titles and thumbnails, emphasizing the need for creativity and virality. For instance, MrBeast contrasts the less compelling title “I Spent 50 Hours In My Front Yard” with the much more intriguing “I Spent 50 Hours In Ketchup,” highlighting how the latter creates a more viral-worthy scenario.

The second section of the document explores the process of creating content, from brainstorming ideas to location scouting and filming. MrBeast outlines general guidelines like “Video Everything,” “Always have a backup day,” and “Use Consultants.” He also discusses his tenacious approach to getting what he needs for his videos, stating that “No” is not an acceptable answer when it comes to fulfilling his creative vision.

Chapter 3 offers fellow creators insights into what makes a video idea successful and explains the ultimate goal of his content. MrBeast is firm about maintaining his high standards, stating, “I have zero issues throwing away a multi-million dollar video if I don’t think it’s up to my standards and is good for the audience.” He also shares key principles such as “No dull moments in videos” and the importance of seeking feedback to continually improve content.

This leak comes at a turbulent time for MrBeast, who has recently been embroiled in several controversies. Nonetheless, the YouTuber continues to push forward, announcing the launch of his new venture, Lunchly, in partnership with Logan Paul and KSI via an Instagram livestream on September 16.


Hi, I'm Shivam Kumar. I'm pursuing Journalism honors from the IP University. I love the skill of writing and looking forward to learn more of it. Also I love traveling and experiencing new things every day....

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