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Christian Walker Spat With Singer Kehlani Goes Viral

3 min read
Christian Walker

Credit: Dominique Charriau/WireImage and Instagram/christianwalk1r


Christian Walker, a TikTok user, confronted Kehlani at a Starbucks drive-through and accused her of verbally abusing him. After news of his falling out with the singer became well known, people are now interested in who he is.

Kehlani responded on social media to Christian’s accusations after the singer uploaded a couple clips of their encounter.

Christian Walker: who is he?

Herschel Walker, a candidate for the Georgia Senate, has a 22-year-old son named Christian. He refers to himself as a “free speech radical” whereas the New York Post refers to him as a “conservative social media influencer”. Twitter.

Regarding his sexual orientati on, June 1st is Christian stated that he is “attracted to guys” but declined to declare himself to be gay.


You can find him talking about being in a relationship with males even in his tiktoks. On the platform, he has more than 132,000 followers.

In the meanwhile, his official website offers a range of products for sale, including t-shirts, sweatshirts, and mugs.

A user of TikTok confronts Kehlani

The events at a Starbucks drive-thru are depicted in a sequence of clips from Christian’s Instagram story.

If there aren’t any American flags at the shop, the TikToker offers to fetch one.

Before approaching Kehlani, who was waiting in her car in front of Christian’s, he goes on a long rant about it.

He approaches the performer, alleging that he called him an asshole and warned the Starbucks staff to stay “safe” around him.

He is heard saying in the video, “Everyone is entitled to an opinion – you’re so disrespectful or you wouldn’t tell the barista workers I’m an asshole.”

“Go get your drink, then leave. I have the same right to an opinion as anyone else. Why do you have the right to an opinion but not I? You are a shithole. “Go get your drink,” he instructs.

Later on, when he spoke of “leftists” approaching him, he continued the rant from Twitter.

What did Kehlani respond?

With the words “a Taurus” scribbled on it, Kehlani shared just one screenshot of her face from the TikTok influencer’s video in response to the controversy surrounding him.

Christian Walker

She added a screenshot of Christian’s “I adore Kehlani so much” tweet from 2016 to her post.

The singer closed each of her messages with a pouting selfie. I want to end this by saying that I’ve been in a virtual therapy session the entire time, according to the overlay text on the image. I’m living proof that therapy works.


Ankita Khanrah is a second-year student of the Master of Communication and Journalism (Integrated) programme at the School of Mass Communication, KIIT Deemed University, Bhubaneswar.

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