With ongoing tension among Russia & Ukraine, there’s the news of a senior Russian General Andrey Mordvichev have got killed...
Ruchi Singh
Walmart has Cow Plushies and TikTok is going crazy over this trending toy. Well, TikTokis equally good at endorsing things...
You must have heard the phrase “Erin Go Bragh” in Ireland, but do you know what it means and how...
The TikTok user who has been going viral as TheSkiMaskGirl is once again trending with her face reveal stream this...
What’s trending lately on TikTok is a user that claims he has been sued by the representative of the famous...
TikToker Tamika Rawson recently shared her video where her Botox treatment seemed to have gone totally wrong. But however, it...
A 100-year-old practice that’s marked as “Daylight Saving Time” is one of the most interesting practices. Marked on the second...
With beefs between two public figure to be common these days, we have the latest beef between Jimmy Kimmel and...
Turtleman who was rumoured to have suffered heart attack and was thought to be dead, is actually alive. With internet...
The London formed iconic rock band The Rolling Stones are all set to mark their 60th year with The Rolling...