Netflix announced a new first-look of the upcoming action "Cowboy Bebop" show along with its premiere date of November. The...
Rohan Yadav
The Writers Guild of America has advised members not to work with Constantin Film, a German company that the organization...
Following an alleged confrontation with her mother Yolanda, Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid have broken up. Yolanda claimed that Zayn...
During their recent trip to Italy, actor Lawson Bates professed his love for girlfriend Tiffany Espensen. Therefore, He informed Tiffany...
Alissa Violet recently appeared on the BFFs show and slammed Erika Costell, her former bestie. The models, who have both...
Dune 2 is finally happening, thanks to Legendary Entertainment, which announced the thrilling news shortly after the first film's successful...
The annual Astroworld festival, hosted by Travis Scott, has finally received some details. We've subdivided all you need to understand...
Netflix has undoubtedly provided us with far more stuff than any single person could consume in a single year. So,...
Chris Evans Returning As Captain America For One Final Time. Steve Rogers spent his youth in a matter of seconds...
After the former's father intervened, the ongoing conflict between Lil Nas X and Boosie Badazz had also taken over the...