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NoahJ456 Accuses YouTuber MrTLexify of Lying About Inappropriate Relations with a Minor

Image via YouTube


On August 25, 2024, Twitch streamer and content creator NoahJ456 shared a video titled MrTLexify Lied, where he accused YouTuber MrTLexify of being dishonest about past events involving a former relationship. Clips from NoahJ456’s video quickly went viral on social media platforms, accumulating hundreds of thousands of views within a short period.

This controversy stems from a recent wave of allegations against MrTLexify, which began in July 2024. An individual using the alias Reagan, who claims to be MrTLexify’s ex-girlfriend, took to social media, accusing him of inappropriate behavior during their time together. Reagan alleged that MrTLexify acted inappropriately towards her, a claim that MrTLexify attempted to discredit in a video titled My Ex, which he posted in August 2024.

In his video, NoahJ456 countered MrTLexify’s statements, asserting that the YouTuber had been dishonest about key aspects of his relationship with Reagan, including her age at the time of their interactions. According to NoahJ456, MrTLexify initially told their mutual friends that Reagan was older than she actually was.

NoahJ456’s Claims Against MrTLexify

NoahJ456 explained th at when MrTLexify introduced Reagan to their group of friends at a shared content house known as the Z House, he told them she was 18 years old. However, NoahJ456 claimed that Reagan was actually younger than that at the time. “Lex first brought Reagan over to the Z House and told everyone she was 18 years old,” NoahJ456 said in the video. “But later, it was revealed that this wasn’t true.”


NoahJ456 went on to share a portion of MrTLexify’s video, where the YouTuber admitted that he had been asked to misrepresent Reagan’s age to others. “It’s important to note that Reagan had asked me to lie about her age,” MrTLexify stated in his own video.

This discrepancy in ages, as explained by NoahJ456, occurred when MrTLexify was 19 years old, and Reagan was younger than initially indicated. The situation took place in California, where age and consent laws are more stringent, which added complexity to the issue.

NoahJ456’s Additional Concerns

In addition to the discrepancies regarding age, NoahJ456 also expressed concerns about the dynamics of the relationship. He suggested that MrTLexify was aware of Reagan’s strong feelings toward him and might have used that admiration to his advantage.

“Lex seemed to believe that revealing certain details would clear him of any wrongdoing,” NoahJ456 claimed in the video. “But his acknowledgment that Reagan had intense feelings for him only raises more questions about the nature of their relationship.”

Another notable claim from NoahJ456’s video involved a situation where MrTLexify allegedly discussed his issues with Reagan with a much younger fan, which has drawn additional attention to the controversy. Clips of this moment have also circulated widely online, adding fuel to the ongoing conversation about the matter.


MrTLexify’s Response

As the allegations continued to spread, the story caught the attention of major online drama channels like @DramaAlert, which shared clips from both NoahJ456 and MrTLexify’s videos. In response, MrTLexify directed viewers to his earlier video, My Ex, insisting that the situation was more nuanced than it appeared and required proper context.

Despite his efforts to provide clarification, the accusations from NoahJ456 have intensified the scrutiny around MrTLexify’s actions, prompting ongoing debates within the online community.

This situation has led to significant discussions surrounding accountability and transparency among content creators, especially those with large and young audiences. As more information emerges, many are watching closely to see how the matter unfolds and how both creators address the fallout from these public accusations.


Hi, I'm Shivam Kumar. I'm pursuing Journalism honors from the IP University. I love the skill of writing and looking forward to learn more of it. Also I love traveling and experiencing new things every day....

Shivam Kumar: Hi, I'm Shivam Kumar. I'm pursuing Journalism honors from the IP University. I love the skill of writing and looking forward to learn more of it. Also I love traveling and experiencing new things every day....