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Did GOP Rep, Debbie Lesko say she would accidentally shoot her grandchildren?

Credit: Gage Skidmore


Debbie Lesko stunned the world when she revealed that she would shoot her grandchildren rather than have a gun safety bill advanced.

Here is everything you need to know.

Rep Debbie Lesko reveals she would shoot her grandchildren

Arizona Congresswoman Debbie Lesko stirred up trouble recently when she took the floor of the House on Tuesday to address the gun safety bill issue.

She said, ‘I have five grandchildren. I would do anything, anything, to protect my five grandchildren, including, as a last resort, shooting them, if I had to, to protect the lives of my grandchildren.’

After making the inflammatory remark, Lesko angrily accused Democrats of trying to ‘take away my right, my right, to protect my grandchildren.’

The congresswoman continued, ‘They wanna take away the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect their own children, and grandchildren, and wives and brothers and sisters. This bill takes away due process from law-abiding citizens.’


Users react to Debbie Lesko’s shocking statement

Unsurprisingly, many users expressed their concern over Debbie Lesko’s need to oppose the gun safety bill and the revelation of shooting her grandkids if she had to.

Regardless, the Conservative Congresswoman faced tons of backlash from the netizens as they took to Twitter to slam Lesko.

One user pointed out, ‘Genius move by Debbie Lesko to get out of babysitting duty for life. Chess vs checkers.’

Another added, ‘Debbie Lesko was booed off stage at the Arizona Virtual Academy graduation. Maybe that’s why she wants to shoot her grandkids?’

A different user wrote, ‘Tonight, I’m so very grateful that Debbie Lesko was NOT my grandmother.’

Furthermore, several gun rights activists called out the politician for her concerning comment.

Demand Action founder Shannon Watts said, ‘Congresswoman Debbie Lesko of Arizona says she’d do anything to protect her five grandchildren, including shooting them.’

Debbie Lesko’s response to the backlash

Debbie Lesko seemed unfazed by the comment she made earlier this week. After receiving her share of criticism on social media, the 63-year-old GOP rep wrote a mocking message on Twitter attacking the critics.

She mentioned, ‘It never ceases to amaze me the lengths gun control zealots will go. They turned my speech about protecting Second Amendment rights and my right to protect my grandchildren from violent criminals into a claim I would harm my own grandchildren. Absolutely ridiculous!’

In 2018, Lesko won the Arizona district’s special election by a slim margin. Her leadership became a topic of discussion after she admitted that she was anti-vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Maddii is your typical nerd with a voracious appetite for books. She loves midnight snacking.

Maddii: Maddii is your typical nerd with a voracious appetite for books. She loves midnight snacking.