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Daniel Klein, Apex Legends lead game designer fired for racist comment


Daniel Klein was a lead game designer at Respawn entertainment. Recently, he has been in the news because he has been fired from Respawn entertainment. And the reason is that he made racist and sexist comments he made in the past that is in 2007. Also, he confirmed on Twitter that he realized he did wrong.

Daniel Klein’s racist comment

There was a blog in the past where he inferred to women as having the “moron chromosomes”. Also, in some other conversation, he described the African families to animals. He made that comment in the year 2007 but it resurfaces from the end of the last month. And by seeing all this, Klein took Twitter to express his feelings and telling “I was recently confronted with some awful statements I made on a blog I wrote back in 2007”. Furthermore, he expressed his guilt and take full responsibility for it. He has been feeling so embarrassed and ashamed. He cleared that he doesn’t imagine these types of things anymore.


Meanwhile, when everyone is raising the question on Klein, Respawn director of communications Ryan Rigney supported him. He said on Twitter that he doesn’t believe that the person who reflects from 2007 will reflect the same as in 2021. People grow up. He also added that Klein once sent him the video of himself to aware Ryan. This viewpoint was not shared by others at Respawn. And the result is that Klein has now been terminated from the company.

Daniel Klein trying to become a nicer person

Klein trying to become a nicer person since then. And he did many great things also. He added that right now he is very upset and depressed. And doesn’t like what people think about him. But Klein feels that he will never be able to make up for who he was. He is so kind he added that he didn’t believe that Respawn had done something unfair to firing me.


Daniel said, “They were absolutely within their rights to terminate me, much as I may disagree with that decision.” Perhaps Respawn Entertainment’s decision to fire Klein from the Apex Legends team appears to indicate a desire to retain a safe environment for fans, creators, and developers, though many disagree the industry’s problems exist on a systemic level.

Respawn just announced that it’s still functioning on Apex Legends’ PS5 and Xbox Series X/S update. And of course that cross-progression. But not until 2022.

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i am from Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh. I am a first-year law student in a JIMTEC law of school, Greater Noida. I have done my schooling at St. Johns sr. Sec. School Firozabad. I am from PCB background. I like to read non-fiction novels. Some of them are rich dad and poor dad, how to win friends and influence people, attitude is everything and many more. Also, I always like to play basketball. I am passionate about learning new skills.

Aashi Jain: i am from Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh. I am a first-year law student in a JIMTEC law of school, Greater Noida. I have done my schooling at St. Johns sr. Sec. School Firozabad. I am from PCB background. I like to read non-fiction novels. Some of them are rich dad and poor dad, how to win friends and influence people, attitude is everything and many more. Also, I always like to play basketball. I am passionate about learning new skills.