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Central Regional Student Speaks Out Against Bullying: Adriana Kuch’ Heartbreaking Petition Goes Viral


In a video posted online on February 1, a 14-year-old girl Adriana Kuch is brutally beaten by her peers inside the school. Just two days later she commits suicide. She and her boyfriend were walking across the school hallway when Adriana Kuch was thrashed and assaulted with a weapon by her classmates. Central Regional High School, located in Berkeley Township, has come under scrutiny for failing to address the alarming incident with police after a student was allegedly assaulted with a weapon. In addition, even though the child appeared to be brutally bruised after the altercation, the school refused to take her to a hospital but instead sent her to the school nurse.

According to her parents, Kuch committed suicide as a result of longstanding bullying. Consequently, Kuch’s mother has petitioned for justice on behalf of her late daughter. The mother of Kuch explained her frustration with Central Regional by saying the school had been alerted on numerous occasions about bullying incidents against her daughter. Almost a year ago, Kuch’s family filed a lawsuit against the school for its negligence and irresponsibility. Several girls at Central Regional jumped and physically assaulted my daughter in January 2022, she said. Her threats and their previous stalking were reported to the school weeks before the attack and NOTHING was done! The attack was recorded and circulated online.


Adriana Kuch Heartbreaking Petition Highlights Violence At The Central Regional School

An online video showing a 14-year-old girl being brutally beaten inside her school surfaced on February 1. Two days later, the girl committed suicide. When Adriana Kuch and her boyfriend were walking across the school hallway, classmates thrashed and assaulted her with a weapon. After a student allegedly assaulted another with a weapon at Central Regional High School in Berkeley Township, the school was under scrutiny after failing to report the alarming incident to the police. Kuch’s parents said she committed suicide as a result of the bullying she endured for years. A petition has now been filed by Kuch’s mother seeking justice for their late daughter. Angry at Central Regional officials, Kuch’s mother Racheal O’Dea explained her frustration by stating that the school had been alerted to numerous incidents of bullying against her daughter. Almost a year ago, Kuch’s family sued the school for its negligence and irresponsibility. She reported that her daughter was physically assaulted by MULTIPLE girls at Central Regional in January 2022. Despite reporting threats and previous stalking to the school weeks before the attack, nothing was done! The attack was documented and shared on social media. It has been almost a year since my family filed a lawsuit against Central for negligence and involvement, Change.org reported.


Now, almost a year later, a beautiful 14-year-old soul has taken her own life following a brutal attack at Central Regional HS. Too soon, a life was taken. There is no safety for our children and parents! Rather than do its job, this school is too busy trying to save its own asses! The bottom line is that violence at Central Regional must stop! There should be a change in administration and more security, and the school cannot solely label these incidents. These events are only categorized as hallway disturbances by Central Regional so they do not require police involvement and no reports are made. According to O’Dea, it gives them a reason to punish the VICTIM. Parents should question EVERYTHING this school says, O’Dea urged! BE AWARE OF YOUR RIGHTS! It’s better for students to stop hurting each other, and if you see someone being hurt, call 911! This wasn’t a fight, it wasn’t an altercation, it wasn’t a hallway disturbance…IT WAS ASSAULT, she said. Additionally, she urged everyone to sign the petition in order to help bring about change when necessary.

Lavanya joshi: