Camera Footage Showing Teacher ‘mike Hosinski’ Slamming a Student Against the Wall Before Slapping Him
2 min readJimtown High School teacher Mike Hosinski is no longer employed at the educational institution following an incident in which he struck a student in the face. The Baugo Community School Board has now voted to remove Hosinski from his position as principal effective immediately. He was scheduled to retire at the end of this school year.
An image from CCTV shows the teacher slapping a student after grabbing his backpack and pushing him into the wall. A student who was not identified immediately fell to the floor after the strike.
When Mike Hosinski confronted the student about his hoodie, the latter slapped him.
Hosinski may face criminal charges after the physical assault, said Peter Agostino, a South Bend attorney. In his words, “it’s probably the battery that’s consented to be touched.” He said that as a result, how aggressive or extensive the conduct was could be considered another attempt to inflict bodily harm.
The district issues a statement following a teacher’s actions
It is no longer possible for her to step foot on school grounds since she is no longer employed by the school. His report has also been submitted to the Indiana Department of Education. In a press release, the district said it would respond swiftly, directly, and severely to actions that threatened students.
Terry Hilyard, a Baugo Community School business manager, was unable to handle the behavior of his colleague. “It’s tough,” he said. He said that it’s hard to agree with something like that.
For the past 40 years, Hosinski has worked at Baugo. He surprised those who knew him with his striking performance.
At a meeting following the incident, the parents held the school responsibly. Pines, who lives in the district, said the superintendent and principal, who are in charge of running the faculty member, will be held accountable for taking action against the faculty member.
According to another parent, Hosinski’s actions demonstrate a “complete failure of administration.”
Investigators from the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Office as well as the Department of Child Services are investigating the incident.