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BTS Vlive 2021 New York, Jungkook’s Modern Art, UN ‘Permission To Dance’ Story


BTS, The Grammy-nominated South Korean music group, who are currently in New York, shared stories about Vlive and the United Nations speech on ‘Permission To Dance’.

A story about BTS latest Vlive from New York 2021, UN shoot-

The group is involved in many activities since the time they land. They shoot for the video ” Permission to Dance”. The group also practice for 13 hours for their speech which is wholesome tired. After the event, the group sleeps for several hours. A translation thread from Vlive says, “BTS landed around 9 pm, and arrived at the UN around midnight.


The first two verses, filmed within the hall, took until 03:30 am. They took between 10-20 takes — they could’ve finished earlier but little issues like a cameraman’s foot appearing in a shot, etc. nagged at them.” Earlier, they all were trying to perform live. But later due to narrow space and restrictions due to covid, the idea dropped. Pre-recording of video is the best option which was chosen. The shooting of the video ” Permission To Dance” took approximately 14-15 hours. Then All return to the hotel. But they hardly sleep for 2-3 hours and went back to shooting at 6:30 a.m. 


Jungkook Modern Art-

The group is sharing various information about them with their fans. They were telling the fans about their old vacations. Jungkook playfully reveals toe socks and folds them adorably. Toe socks are calling it “V Art”.


I am Ishika Bansal. I am from Kaithal, Haryana. I am currently pursuing economics honours from Delhi university. I like writing, giving speeches, presenting my point of views. Also, I love doing the dance. I am an explorer who is always ready to learn and experience new things and skills.

Ishika Bansal: I am Ishika Bansal. I am from Kaithal, Haryana. I am currently pursuing economics honours from Delhi university. I like writing, giving speeches, presenting my point of views. Also, I love doing the dance. I am an explorer who is always ready to learn and experience new things and skills.