Lupin, the crime thriller drama is back again to have its third season soon. While initial two seasons of the crime drama had a good response from the viewers. We are having viewers’ excitement building up to see what’s going to happen in the upcoming season of Lupin. So, when are we getting Lupin season 3 to release?
Read ahead to know more about Lupin season 3 and all its latest updates.
Lupin season 3 release date announced
The two seasons of Lupin had an amaz ing story to watch for all the viewers. Post which fans were keen to have updates on the third season of the series. Luckily was announced by Omar Sy on his Twitter handle in French that the third season of Lupin is definitely to happen.
But do we have any release date for that as well? Well no! We currently have no announcement on when the third season of Lupin will come out. Nor do we have anything to speculate about the release time of the same. We might have it this year or next year hopefully.
Who’s in the cast of Lupin season 3?
One of the most important characters in the crime thriller Lupin was Omar Sy. Hence, we are definitely to have him back to reprise his role. Further, we will have Luduvine Sagnier as Claire. While Etan Simon is to be back as Raoul.
You may see Antoine Gouy as Benjamin. Fargass Assande as Assane’s father might come in a flashback. Hopefully, there are lot more casts to appear in the scene. That’s yet not announced officially.
What’s the plot for Lupin season 3? Advertisement
Though we are not sure about what’s in store for season 3 of Lupin. However, we saw a little about Pellegrini in the second season getting exposed. We are yet to know if he will continue to be in jail or if he will come out.
Moreover, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Omar Sy said he isn’t sure about the character Pellegrini, as its story can go in any direction depending on what’s to happen in the next season. Meanwhile, we have no trailer out for season 3 either to hint at the plot of the upcoming season. So, we must wait to see what happens.