Top 5 Hugh Jackman films to watch before Deadpool 3

Before Deadpool 3 hits the screens, explore Hugh Jackman's diverse filmography in these must-see movies, showcasing his acting prowess and versatility.

Here Are The Top 5 Hugh Jackman films to catch before Deadpool 3: 

"Les Misérables" showcases Hugh Jackman's musical talent and dramatic range in the role of Jean Valjean, making it a must-watch.

1) Les Misérables

In "THE SON," Jackman delivers a powerful performance as a detective caught in a gripping mystery, displaying his versatility.


"Prisoners" highlights Jackman's intense acting as a father searching for his missing daughter, offering a riveting thriller experience.

3) Prisoners

"Logan" is a standout, with Jackman's farewell performance as Wolverine, providing a gritty and emotional superhero story.

4) Logan

"Bad Education" features Jackman in a compelling role as a school superintendent entangled in scandal, offering a thought-provoking dark comedy.

5) Bad Education