Tomi Lahren to Host Evening Show for Fox’s Outkick

Conservative commentator Tomi Lahren is shifting roles at Fox News Media.

Lahren, who had been a contributor to the Fox Nation streaming service, will move to Fox’s Outkick platform, where she will host an evening show called Tomi Lahren is Fearless.

Lahren will also become the voice of the syndicated short-form Fox News Commentary for the Fox News Audio Network.

She will continue to work as a contributor to the cable news channel.

Fox acquired Outkick, a sports-focused site founded by former Fox Sports host Clay Travis, last year.

Lahren’s show will debut at 7 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on Outkick’s YouTube channel and social platforms. It will debut June 20th, and originate from Outkick’s Nashville studios.