This years Nobel Prize in physiology or medication

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP

has been awarded to Swedish scientist Svante

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP

Paabo for his discoveries on human evolution.

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP

Thomas Perlmann, secretary of the Nobel Committee,

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP

introduced the winner Monday at the

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP

Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP

Paabo has spearheaded lookup evaluating the genome of current people

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP

and our closest extinct relatives. the Neanderthal

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP

and Denisovans, displaying that there was

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP

once mixing between the specieS.

Image Credit: Christian Charisius/AP