Serena Williams Speaks Out After Her Wimbledon Loss

Serena Williams is opening up just hours after losing at the 2022 Wimbledon Tournament. The 40-year-old tennis star lost to France’s Harmony Tan after just one match.

The competition had taken more than three hours and a 10-point deciding-set tiebreak, and ended with a 10-7 win for Harmony.

Taking to Instagram, Serena shared an uplifting message for her fans, following the loss.

Alongside a photo of her waving to the crowd, Serena wrote, “That was insane and intense. Not the result I came for, but my goodness I enjoyed that.”

In a press conference following the match, she also spoke about how she was proud of doing her best she could for the day.

“Today I gave all I could do, you know, today,” she shared. “Maybe tomorrow I could have gave more.”