One Piece Episode 1078 Release date and Spoilers

One Piece Episode 1078 brings hope to Wano as Luffy wins against Kaido during the Fire Festival. But Wano needs a new leader.

Wano's Bright Future

Kozuki Momonosuke, Oden's son, emerges as a worthy Shogun. The episode explores his lineage and leadership qualities.

Momonosuke's Rise

One Piece Episode 1078 airs on October 1 at 9:30 am JST, part of the weekly anime schedule.

Release Date

Fans worldwide can catch it at various times, including 7:00 pm PT, 10:00 pm ET, 3:00 am UK, and 11:30 am Australia.

Global Viewing

Episode 1078, titled "He Returns! The Shogun of Wano Country, Kozuki Momonosuke," marks a significant moment in Wano's history.

Episode Title

Surviving retainers reappear, and the people celebrate Toki's prophecy coming true.

Retainers' Return

Momonosuke declares himself the Shogun, vowing to protect Wano from its enemies and moving Oden's retainers and the people.

Momonosuke's Promise

Yamato informs the Straw Hats about joining their crew, adding another layer of excitement to the episode's anticipation.

Yamato's Message