‘Lightyear’ flop is a sign audiences are weary of Hollywood wokeness

Disney’s much-touted “Lightyear” came out and did surprisingly poorly after a lot of week-of-release talk about the lesbian relationship in the film.

The same-sex marriage is a small part of the story and no one should be bothered by the existence of gay people

But the shocking underperformance must have Disney wondering whether people stayed away because they thought that “Lightyear” was a message movie.

Disney’s decision to spend a couple of minutes of screen time reminding us that it’s a gay-friendly company may well have cost it millions in ticket sales

Disney has to consider the idea that there might be many Pixar fans who have no problem with gay marriage who nevertheless would prefer the matter be left out of kids’ movies.

“Lightyear” was intended to serve as Disney’s big summer animated blockbuster, but may instead cause Disney execs to reconsider their views on “woke” content.