Justin and Hailey Bieber Turned Away From Dining at New York City Hotspot, Source Says

Sometimes, it doesn't matter how famous you are when it comes to taking a bite out of the Big Apple.

This proved true for Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber over the weekend, when they were turned away from a famous dining hotspot in New York City.

A source tells Recent times that Hailey and Justin were treated like anyone else would be when they tried to get into the restaurant Carbone without a reservation.

"Hailey and Justin love being in New York," says the source. "They love hitting up restaurants and shopping."

Their humbling experience came when they tried to get into the exclusive Italian restaurant after Justin's at Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Saturday but were politely turned away.

Justin is currently on his Justice World Tour. On Sunday, he was in Detroit, Michigan, and his tour resumes Tuesday in Toronto, Canada.