Valve has officially announced Counter-Strike 2, exciting fans of the tactical team-based shooter with the upcoming evolution of CS:GO. 

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The game introduces significant improvements, blending the beloved gameplay with impressive new technologies. 

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Currently in its initial testing phase, Counter-Strike 2 is expected to be released to a wider audience soon.

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Valve's target is to release the sequel in Summer 2023, although an exact date has not been established.

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A select group of players, particularly those who have devoted considerable playtime to CS:GO prior to the announcement of Counter-Strike 2, 

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are assisting in refining the game through a closed beta phase prior to its official launch.

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The upgraded maps showcase enhancements in their textures, materials, and lighting, while their layouts and designs remain unchanged.

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When Counter-Strike 2 is officially released, you will be able to acquire it completely free of charge. 

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Just like the original game, Counter-Strike 2 will be offered as a free upgrade to all players.

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