Categories: Technology

How To Set Up a New iPhone 13 (Step By Step Guide)


So first of all congratulations on getting yourself an iPhone 13, they are absolutely amazing. In this article, we are going to show you a step-by-step guide and how to get to this home screen and so on.

If you’re brand new to an apple or the apple ecosystem I would recommend first of all making yourself an account online once you have done that come back to this article and you are ready to go with this guide. This step-by-step guide will guide you through setting up a brand new iPhone even if you are new to apple, or just shifted from Android. 

Account creation in iPhone 13:

  • First of all let’s do the step-by-step guide includes, connecting other apple devices if you have one. By connecting with Wifi, the connection gets created.
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  • This can be done by getting the dots to sort up and capturing and hence, start to transfer the data from another iPhone, iPod, iPod touch, or anything. Importantly, you should not keep the iPhone at a distance.
  • As it activates, it can clearly see on the screen. After it transfers, it asks for the id to create an account such as face ID, Password, etc.
Transferring data:
  • Secondly, it asks for transferring the data by downloading the data too! You could also choose the cloud option.
  • After agreeing with terms and conditions, app details, setups, connections are in place; and ask for continuation.
  • With this, the backup process starts to work. It makes the updated backup too to make you stay updated.
iPhone 13 Guide
iPhone 13 Guide: The wallet setup
  • Click on the continue option that asks for the wallet setup.
  • Proceed with the 3-digit code generation.
Apple so Analytics:
  • When backing up going on, it could ask for it to pull down a backup because of any history of backup onto the iPhone.
  • Leave it a while to run now this will take a while to do and depending on how big your backup is.
  • It depends on how fast this will take to get onto your iPhone also your internet speed is a big factor too!
During the backup:
  • When the iPhone 13 is all-set, it does a restart.
  • Now, everything is back to the place it should already be.

Here you go, you are ready to use the brand new iPhone 13, now.


I am Sandhya Suresh. I am from Salem, Tamilnadu. I am pursuing my M.A. in English. I am an avid reader. I like to read non-fiction books and articles because that motivates and encourages me to do what I dream. I also read fiction and fantasy novels that give me joy. Later completing PG I am planning to become a content writer by passion.

Sandhya Suresh: I am Sandhya Suresh. I am from Salem, Tamilnadu. I am pursuing my M.A. in English. I am an avid reader. I like to read non-fiction books and articles because that motivates and encourages me to do what I dream. I also read fiction and fantasy novels that give me joy. Later completing PG I am planning to become a content writer by passion.