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What Is The Meaning Of Skeleton Brunch? TikTok Gets A Spooky Theme With The Viral Trend


As TikTok becomes the hub for viral trends and challenges, it’s the new trend on TikTok that’s viral because it’s spooky known as the Skeleton Brunch trend. Tiktok brings even the old trend back to become viral. However, this new trend on TikTok is a bit scary and users have given some amusing reactions to it. Well, certainly the trend going viral on TikTok this time is a spooky one and you must check it out. So, what’s this new spooky trend all about?

Read ahead to know more about the viral TikTok trend “Skeleton Brunch”.

Skeleton Brunch trend goes viral on TikTok

As you would have seen several varieties of trends and challenges on TikTok, this new trend has a spooky theme that is called the Skeleton Brunch trend. This new spooky trend shows some users having brunch with a guest that’s nothing but a skeleton. In the viral Skeleton Brunch trend, a skeleton is seen sitting to have brunch.


The video has thus gone viral after seeing the skeleton and has got several likes and views on video. However, not all videos of the trend Skeleton Brunch has a skeleton in the video, rather many of the videos showed people wearing a skeleton costume.

Skeleton Brunch, The Original Trend

While the Skeleton Brunch trend started in October of last year, it’s still not known as to who started this trend. Certainly, this trend began just before or from Halloween last year and has been going viral ever since then.

Tiktok even though gives a variety of trends and the one called the Skeleton Brunch trend has literally made everyone make the trend viral because of its spookiness. With the trend still been going viral, users have given their reactions to the video.


Users Reaction To The Viral Trend Skeleton Brunch

The trend began in October last year, however, it is the user’s reaction to the spooky trend that’s grabbing more attention. While the viral video of Skeleton Brunch trended on TikTok, users gave funny reactions to the trend.

Well, not just TikTok but also Twitter had users giving its reaction to the spooky trend with some users reacting to the video saying “Having brunch with my ancestors”. Some users asked on the trend as to how the skeletons can have brunch when they don’t have any stomach.


I'm a passionate writer who believes in the magic of words. I'm a former magazine writer and I love reading books that makes people grow to a better person. Every word holds an energy and I use them to create a positive beautiful life. #StayPositive #StayBlessed

Ruchi Singh: I'm a passionate writer who believes in the magic of words. I'm a former magazine writer and I love reading books that makes people grow to a better person. Every word holds an energy and I use them to create a positive beautiful life. #StayPositive #StayBlessed