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Laura Russo, Teacher Arrested for Giving Minor Covid Vaccine Without Parental Consent


The Science teacher “Laura Russo” vaccinated the son’s friend with the J&J covid-19 vaccine. It happened without the approval of parents. The Moment science teacher Laura Russo (54) allegedly jabbed her son’s friend at home. It was with the Covid-19 vaccine created by Johnson and Johnson. The teen reported the incident to his parents after returning home. Immediate actions were taken. Because the vaccination process did not get any approval from parents. 

Video Proof Of The Incident

The Long Island biology teacher gave a vaccine to a 17- year-old teen. He was her friend’s son. And without his parent’s approval, the vaccination of the teen occurred. It was in a video. It aired publicly on Monday. In the video, firstly, Laura Russo was cleaning the right arm of an unidentified teen’s skin. Then she prepared the dose of Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine. While Russo smiles in the video, the teen says ‘There you go, vaccine at home’.


The vaccine by Johnson and Johnson brand is only for adults according to recommendations. Reportedly the vaccine shot was provided to the teen on New Year’s Eve. While the vaccine was authentic it is not revealed how she obtained it in the first place. However, Laura Russo has no medical qualifications.

Russo was under arrest and charged when the teen told his parents about the matter. The mother of the teen said she did not permit to have her son injected. She did not allow anyone with the Covid vaccine and reported it to the police.

In the investigation, Laura Park Russo is not qualified and authorized to perform the vaccination. She has charges of state education law as unauthorized practice of a profession. Russo received detachment after the incident. She was replaced for the time being the case continues from Herricks Public School. The school’s superintendent Fino Celano informed.

Who is Laura Russo?

Laura Parker Russo (54) is a Herricks High School biology teacher. Her husband is a Sea Cliffs, New York realtor known as John Russo. As per John’s online bio, they are raising a Brady bunch together. Laura is a mother to six. 

Laura describes herself as a lifelong Long Island resident. She loves her profession as an educator.


Along with that, she is also a member of the Sea Cliff Civic Association. The organization organizes and conducts events in the village situated 25 miles east of Manhattan.


The injection could have caused serious repercussions. As per the chair of medicine Dr Aaron Glatt, Mount Sinai South Nassau. He continued that apart from it being illegal it is not a smart thing to do. An authorized and licensed personnel should be dealing with vaccinations and their after-effects if any.

The investigation is going on as to how Russo had the Vial without the license to.

There have been other similar incidents in the country. The minors are getting vaccination without their parent’s consent.


An author, who is passionate about writing!

Sakshi Goel: An author, who is passionate about writing!