Justin Long and Kate Bosworth announced their engagement on their Instagram accounts on Tuesday. The actor captioned his post with a photo of the actress showing off her engagement ring, saying, She said “Yes”. According to the actor, he is grateful for a partner that makes life full, who reminds him every day of the beauty and brevity of it all and who makes him laugh from the minute he wakes up until the moment he begrudgingly goes to bed. It’s important to find someone who brings you endless peace and radical wonder in your short life. Kate Bosworth wrote in her post: I am so grateful it is you.
While on Long’s “Life is Short” podcast on Tuesday, Kate Bosworth revealed Long proposed to her that morning. Kate Bosworth described it as the most romantic, loving and honest proposal she had ever received in a recent podcast. As co-stars in the comedy-horror film “House of Darkness,” the couple was romantically linked when they were photographed in Hawaii in April 2022. The rumour that Justin Long proposed began last month when Kate Bosworth was spotted wearing a ring during the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party. In August of 2021, Bosworth reported she and ex-Michael Clean were ending their marriage following 10 years together.
Justin Long and Kate Bosworth Announce Their Engagement News Through Their Instagram Account
Kate Bosworth and Justin Long recently announced their engagement and shared details about their relationship. He was joined by Bosworth for the latest episode of his Life Is Short podcast, where both confirmed they got engaged earlier this year when the Barbarian star proposed. A ring she debuted at the Vanity Fair Oscar party last month, confirmed by the stars to be an engagement ring, generated media speculation. Bosworth, 40, said in the episode that we are embarking on a new chapter. Afterwards, Long, 44, said, People had been asking because Catherine wore a ring I gave her after I asked her to marry me – not when I asked her, but shortly after I asked her. His proposal was part of a much more elaborate plan that he had envisioned to coincide with her January birthday, prior to his proposal. The couple, however, hinted that something tough happened in their lives around that time that changed the plans; they declined to elaborate but said they would likely share more information later. Bosworth recalled We had just gone through a really difficult thing, and we had also talked to a therapist. Following the session, she recalled a moment when they were in bed together and used the therapist’s strategies: I remembered I smiled at you and said, What do you need?
At that moment, he looked at me intensely, and he said, To be with you for the rest of my life. And I smiled, and I replied, Oh, my gosh, you have that. He replied, No, I mean, I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. As Long confirmed, despite his initial plan not coming to fruition, this ended up being the best way to proceed. It came out very organically, he said. Asking for it was easy. Basically, it spilt out. In a post on Instagram, Live Free or Die Hard actor Chris Bosworth included a link to the podcast and a carousel of photos showing Bosworth in the ring. Long described it this way: I am eternally grateful that I found a partner whose mere presence helps me appreciate the beauty and brevity of life every single day; who continually makes me laugh from the moment we get out of bed until it is time for me to go to bed. I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am for him. Those days, as well as those yet to come, are treasured by me. Similarly, Bosworth captioned an Instagram post referring to Long as her “future husband” and shared the podcast link. According to the actress, Live life to the fullest by finding the one who brings you endless peace and radical wonder @justinlong. Justin Long and Kate Bosworth starred together in the horror film House of Darkness in 2021, and they were photographed kissing in Hawaii in April 2022. In August of that year, Bosworth divorced her husband Michael Polish.