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Elon Musk Claims Puberty Blockers “Killed” His Son, Vows to Combat “Woke Mind Virus”



Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has recently made headlines with his outspoken criticism of puberty blockers, which he describes as sterilizing medications. In a DW interview, Musk bemoaned the loss of his son to what he calls the “woke mind virus,” reflecting on his personal struggles with his transgender child and his broader concerns about progressive education and free speech.

Personal Struggles and Ideological Shift

Musk’s ideological shift began in 2021, driven by his experiences with his transgender child, Xavier, who now goes by Vivian Jenna Wilson. This shift is marked by his increasing opposition to anti-meritocratic movements and restrictions on free expression. Musk’s discontent with progressive education and what he sees as its impact on his child has significantly influenced his recent actions, including his acquisition of Twitter, now rebranded as X, and subsequent policy changes on the platform.

The Interview with Jordan Peterson

In a recent interview with Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk expressed feeling “tricked” into consenting for his son to go on puberty blockers. He described his experience as an eye-opener to the dangers of the “woke mind virus,” which he now vows to “destroy.” Musk and Peterson both criticized doctors performing sex change procedures on children, labeling such practices as “evil.”

Elon Musk recounted the confusion during the COVID-19 pandemic, stating he was misled into believing that his son might commit suicide without the treatment. Peterson interjected, calling it “incredibly evil” and agreeing with Musk that those promoting such treatments should face severe consequences.


Criticism of Puberty Blockers

Elon Musk argued that puberty blockers are essentially sterilization drugs, a fact he claims was not made clear to him when he consented to his son’s treatment. He criticized the term “gender affirming care” as a “terrible euphemism,” expressing his belief that such care had “killed” his son. Musk’s comments align with his long-standing concerns about the “woke mind virus,” which he believes undermines meritocracy and free speech.

Broader Social and Political Implications

Since 2021, Elon Musk has been vocal about his concerns regarding the “woke mind virus.” He discussed these ideas in a “Real Time” conversation with Bill Maher on Fox News, warning against anti-meritocratic trends and suppression of free speech. Musk links these issues to “cancel culture,” which he argues penalizes individuals for socially unacceptable actions.

A preprint study from the Mayo Clinic earlier this year found that puberty blockers could cause long-term fertility problems in boys, with some effects potentially being permanent. This finding disputes claims that the impacts of puberty blockers are reversible, reinforcing Musk’s criticism.

The Impact on Musk’s Decisions

Vivian Musk came out as transgender in June 2022, filing a request to change names from Xavier to Vivian and taking her mother’s last name. At that time, Vivian stated, “I no longer want to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.” Musk’s strained relationship with his child has deeply influenced his views and actions.


In response to progressive policies in California, such as a law barring school districts from notifying parents if their child uses different pronouns or identifies as a different gender, Musk decided to move SpaceX’s headquarters to Texas. He announced this decision on X, citing the law as the “final straw.”

Musk’s Broader Critique of Progressive Ideals

Musk’s critique of progressive ideals extends beyond his personal experiences. He argues that educational institutions and college campuses have propagated the “woke mind virus,” which he sees as a threat to free speech. This concern influenced his decision to purchase Twitter, believing that the platform was stifling right-wing and anti-establishment opinions.

Elon Musk’s recent comments and actions highlight his deep-seated concerns about the impact of progressive ideals on free speech and meritocracy. His personal struggles with his transgender child, Vivian Jenna Wilson, have fueled his opposition to puberty blockers and what he calls the “woke mind virus.” As Musk continues to leverage his influence to combat these issues, his stance underscores the broader cultural and political debates surrounding gender identity, education, and free expression.


Hi, I'm Shivam Kumar. I'm pursuing Journalism honors from the IP University. I love the skill of writing and looking forward to learn more of it. Also I love traveling and experiencing new things every day....

Shivam Kumar: Hi, I'm Shivam Kumar. I'm pursuing Journalism honors from the IP University. I love the skill of writing and looking forward to learn more of it. Also I love traveling and experiencing new things every day....