The Instagram account of self-acclaimed relationship master, Blessing CEO has been taken down by Meta, the parent company of social media platforms Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp. The account ‘Officialblessingceo’ was taken down during her live Instagram session to support her point on the innocence of celebrity auto dealer, Ikechukwu Darry Ogbonna otherwise called IVD, over the passing of his better half, Bimbo due to domestic violence. The mother of two opened another account and confirmed that her old account was taken down while she asked her fans to follow her new Instagram account. She deplored that Nigerians are hauling her for saying the truth; she noted the agony she got over the page that was taken down, and she will use it to finish everybody as she vowed to reveal more about the IVD saga.
In any case, controversial blogger, Gistlover took to Instagram to counter everything Blessing CEO revealed to blame the late Bimbo over her passing. Gistlover revealed that Late Bimbo and IVD were both drug addicts and were involved with a few obscure doings. Kemi Filani news detailed that Blessing CEO took to Instagram to reveal that she is IVD’s relationship therapist and thusly, she accepts the role of defending his innocence after the police arrested him days after he went hiding after his better half got burned and died. Blessing CEO, who has been vocal about looking into it has shared receipts and proof to question the cases that IVD physically assaulted and killed his wife.
Blessing CEO Instagram Account Has Been Taken Down
Instagram, at last, brings down Blessing CEO account, for doing this. The Instagram account of self-acclaimed relationship expert, Blessing CEO has been brought down by Meta, the parent company of Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp. The account ‘Officialblessingceo’ was taken down during her live Instagram meeting to prove her point on the innocence of VIP auto dealer, Ikechukwu Darry Ogbonna also called IVD, over the demise of his significant other, Bimbo because of domestic violence. Kemi Filani news detailed that Blessing CEO took to Instagram to uncover that she is IVD’s relationship therapist and thusly, she assumes the role of defending himself after the police arrested him days after he went hiding after his wife Bimbo got burnt and died. Blessing CEO, who has been vocal working on it has shared receipts and proof to question the cases that IVD truly attacked and killed his significant other. She spilled on how the deceased’s family are battling for IVD’s wealth. As indicated by her, the family of the late Bimbo is after IVD’s properties and life, particularly her elder sister, Mother Jazz.
She composed, The family of late Bimbo is after IVDs properties and life. Particularly her elder sister mamajazz. Bimbo and IVD are notable individuals in Lagos and not a hidden fact even in their home that Bimbo is violent. Everyone knows how she breaks bottles on her better half’s head every day… .bimbo killed herself and has practically forever wanted to commit suicide right from childhood. Evidence loading. I will ask mamajazz the late bimbo’s sister few inquiries…. Where you on talking terms with your sister before she passed on? Could it be said that you owe your late sister 18 million? Did she block you before her demise? Do you even like your sister’s kids?? Responds to this question since I will hammer the internet with raw facts and proof. I’m stepping into the situation as the official relationship therapist of IVD… will drop all the proof that IVD didn’t kill his significant other or even hurt her. The late bimbo was a violent individual and suicidal victim.
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