Dragon Ball Super Season 2: The Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese Anime based on manga series. It is a sequel to the original Dragon Ball. Akira Toriyama has written this series and Toyotarou has done illustration. Dragon Ball Super, also known as Doragon Bōru Sūpā, was released on 20 June 2015. To know more about its release date and plot, keep reading the article.
About Dragon Ball Super
After releasing its first season, the series got immense love from the people of not only Japan but across the world. It’s been three years that the audience is watching Season 1 having about 131 episodes. Now, the people are eagerly waiting for its 2nd Season.
The series is about Goku who defeated Majin Buu seven years ago. Now, Goku has been given the powers of God and he must learn to use them. He has to travel to different universes where he gets to face opponents. So, to fight against them he needs to learn about his powers under the God of his universe.
Will there be a Season 2?
Well, certainly there will be a Season 2 of Dragon Ball Super. In December 2018, the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly was released. People enjoyed it a lot but since then, they have been waiting for its next season.
In June 2019, when some reports announced that the next season would premiere in July 2019 the people were very delighted. But Toei Animation denied these reports and said that no episodes are under production and these are just rumors.
Fans are extremely sad and disheartened as there is no end to their wait for the 2nd season. However, an anime takes a comparatively longer time to renew but it surely will do in the coming time. So, there is no need to be disheartened.
To fan’s pleasure, there’s good news as Toei Animation announced that the Dragon Ball Super movie will be premiering in 2022. “As a fan, I’m really looking forward to new movies and merchandise. I’m also excited about the new anime that will continue Dragon Ball Super,“ said Florence Jay Dominguito, Toei Animator.
Why there is a long delay?
During the unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the movies and shows were put on hold. Due to this, there was a delay in shoots and filming. However, with everything coming back on track, pending projects are getting new hope.
Another reason is the anime movie One Piece: Stampede. The staff is completely working on this movie in 2018 and 2019 because of which there was a delay in shooting episodes for Dragon Ball Super Season 2.
Dragon Ball Super Season 2 Release Date
Taking the popularity of the show into consideration, the administration has announced the date of release of the second season of Dragon Ball Super. Toei Animation has announced on 8 May 2020 that the second season will feature an original story that will be premiering in 2022.
So, keep yourself in touch with our website to get all the updates about the dates of Dragon Ball Super Season 2.
Where to watch Dragon Ball Super?
You can stream the episodes of Dragon Ball Super on Funimation, AnimeLab, Crunchyroll, and Adult Swim. Here you will get the dubbed episodes in English.
So, this is all about Dragon Ball Super Season 2. Which one is the favorite part of the series and why? Tell us in the comment section below.
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