Amber Heard 'Bloody Lip' Photo

Amber Heard described in detail the alleged attack by Johnny Depp which she claims left her with a bloodied lip...

 – an injury her lawyers tried to prove with a photo – but the judge dismissed her because she wasn’t presented in court on time…

but TMZ has the photo.. the photo, according to Depp’s press office, does not match the time of her accusations.

Heard claimed in her testimony … Johnny struck her in the mouth during an argument, saying,

“I was in one of these fights, I believe it’s this one, in his downtown ECB, we call it, loft, and we’re in the kitchen living room area and he backhands me.”

She continued, "And, you know, it was, you know, he wears a lot of rings. I remember just feeling like my lip went into my teeth,...

and it got a little blood on the wall. Just that simple, a little blood on the wall."

Now Depp's team tells TMZ ... the photo is from 2012 -- TMZ has seen the metadata and we've confirmed that -- yet in the UK defamation case,...

Amber's witness statement said the first violent incident was in 2013 ... a year after the alleged bloody lip photo was taken.

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